Thursday, February 9, 2017

(Lost) Data Ownwership

I've been consistently running since 2008, but I've only tracked my runs since 2011. Back then, I used an iPod nano to keep the records and later it all got stored on the Nike+ Run platform.

My 2016 totals

A few years later I had my first iPhone and I started using the Nike+ application on my mobile. I've been  very happy with this tool and although I recently tried moov and Strava, I didn't find enough reasons to migrate. However, I also came to reflect about the 5 years of data that I've loaded into Nike+, it's richness and how I'd like to access this data and do my own analysis.

I browsed the Nike+ platform and I did a quick internet search, but I couldn't find an easy way to download my data. I found some apps that claim to do the trick, but I wasn't too confident to install them or provide them with my Nike+ login/pwd. I also found a couple of pieces of code that would supposedly recover the data, but I wasn't bothered to test them and decipher what they really do.

I never read the small letters when I started my Nike+ account and I guess that I'd have registered anyways (or maybe not if I there had been a Strava integration with my iPod), but this make me think who is the owner of the data. I'm still a fan and a daily user of the app, I'm OK with Nike knowing my running habits, but not letting me export my data leaves me thinking... Who really owns the data? Nike+ or myself?

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