I'm still trapped on Nike+ since I don't want to give up more than 6 years
of data. However, if I started again I'd probably use Strava. It is a very cool mobile app and the desktop version fully allows the import and export of your data. It has pre-built widgets as the one on the left, but you can also extract the second by second readings of your training sessions. You can download your information as a GPX file (a simple XML structure) where each reading is recorded as follows: <trkpt lat="19.4226360" lon="-99.1724980"> <ele>2244.5</ele> <time>2017-02-11T22:42:08Z</time> </trkpt> You can also extract the information as a JSON file that I found a little harder to parse, but includes a few extra measures for the accumulated distance, the instant speed and the course (as a value between 0 and 360, I guess it is measured in degrees). |
I downloaded the data for a bicycle ride, I translated the JSON into a table and replicated some of the graphs that are shown in the app:
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